PO Box 4044,Wilmington,NC 28406

N.C. Qso Results

  • Photo's of qso party

  • Well every one who participated in the N.C.QSO Party on February 28th 2010, seemed to have a real good time. Those of us in New Hanover County got to operate in a unique spot aboard the Battleship N.C. As you can see from the pictures the Battleship N.C. is not a small ship. However with the help of Jack WD4OIN, and Allen and the Battleship folks, they maintain the radios and communications equipment on board. You can see the difference in size between the old radios and the newer radio. The plate on the front of the old radio indicates that it weighs 82 pounds,and it is a CRV-46147 radio receiver.

    Visitors who took the usual tour were pleasantly surprised when they were treated to a live presentation of the N.C.QSO Party. They were eager to learn and the operators present were equally eager to show them.

    Contacts made by NI4BK were 137 total contacts,77 phone,60 cw. AC4RC made 42 contacts on 40 meter phone. I hope everyone had a wonderful time. Other operators on board were Paul Sweeney KQ4CE, Ed Redington W3NZ, Charlie K4UWH.

    Glenn Cox

    ARRL PublicInformation Officer

    NI4BK 3rd Place in NC QSO Party

    NI4BK won 3rd place in the instate club, mixed mode for 2010